Navigating Anger
The next stage of grief I like to call the in-between, I do, aka Anger. Anger is a healthy emotion that many of us believe, if expressed or allowed to take control, consumes us, and unfortunate things happen.
Expressing your anger during your grieving process is when you are on the fence about turning back, wanting to return to old behavioral patterns, relationships, and a certain perspective out of fear. But you know you must continue on. That is enough to make anyone angry.
You begin to see things differently, and now your friends, society, and community no longer resonate with the version of yourself you see at the end of the tunnel.
It hurts, and you want to go back to who you once were, the comfort that lifestyle brings, with no one to hold you accountable and no one to challenge your thought process.
So, we must prevail to move forward while remaining in the present, experiencing what life wants to offer us. It is up to us to make that decision.
During this phase, you will experience a whirlwind of emotions. You are trying to hold on and remain stable through the storm. It may seem like a lot to handle, but we are divinely guided through our awakening; we have to be open to see it, visualize it. Growing pains are not dependent on healing, but healing is dependent on growing pains.