I Love
"I Love" is inspired by my travels to Venice, Italy. The scenery in Italy resembled true beauty. I was captivated by its essence. I realized that we can't comprehend true love without understanding that it starts with ourselves. Self-love is a rare form of love that many of us do not have the opportunity to explore because we believe giving it away freely to others completes us. We lose ourselves in the process of giving and we forget how to receive it from ourselves.
When one truly accepts themselves, even the parts we dare to embrace, our heart chakras begin to open. Loving yourself without conditions creates a pathway to your authenticity. The four-headed woman is me, and I am her. My ego, inner child, higher self, and shadow is all that I am and more.
The ego is insecure, co-dependent, and sometimes even arrogant. We let our ego control our narrative instead of allowing it to influence our decisions from a different perspective. We have to allow our inner perspectives to have some form of contribution. Ego has to learn how to let go of control and make peace with it.
The Ghana African symbol represents strength. When egos energy is transmuted, she walks in faith, not by sight. Our ego is co-dependent on others' views and opinions. The ego does not need eyes to see but inner strength. Our inner strength acts as our guide to our destiny.
Inner Child
The inner child is innocent, naive, and at times careless. However, our inner child has an open heart and is the closest connection to source. As adults, we take life too seriously. We are dependent on survival. We never ask or permit ourselves to enjoy life and relax. Our inner child can lead us out of a mental state of worry and confusion into going with the flow, and our inner chiild can make decisions influenced by an open mind and heart. When we nurture our inner child, the less stress we may feel about the things we experience in life even the most mundane. Make your inner child happy, and have fun!
The Ghana symbol means nurturing. Nurturing our inner child helps us stay connected and in tune with ourselves.
Our shadow side is considered many things, such as dark, cold, mean, hurt, painful, or even ugly. Our subconscious is a powerhouse; it stores every memory or experience we deem negative or positive. Shadow is codependent on those negative memories because those are the only memories associated with its energy. Those memories are a form of validation of the neglect and pain our shadow experiences.
Our shadow wants to be heard and seen, even if that attention comes from a low vibrational place. Our shadow self is triggered when the same feeling from a new experience reminds us of an old situation, and we fall back into old behavioral patterns that do not serve us. Our shadow side is a victim of circumstance and has to unlearn the pain and trauma it has experienced, even the ones we put ourselves through.
The Ghana symbol represents perseverance. Despite what we have experienced, we keep moving forward. Our shadow side has a lot of suppressed energy that can be transmuted to help shift our energy and perspective to understand that our past experiences are not to hinder us but to excel us forward.
Higher Self
Our inner compass, our intuition, is our guide through this life. Our higher self is compassionate and forgiving yet sometimes overextends ourselves because we see the potential in others. Although seeing potential in others can mean you have hope, it can become a burden and does not guarantee that others will agree or see their own potential.
Our higher self sees things from the big picture and leads with a heart and a steady mind. Our higher self responds from a place of compassion and acceptance. We may not understand how others choose to live their life, we have to accept what we cannot change and surrender any control that doesn't belong to us.
The Ghana symbol represents greatness and leadership. When our level of awareness and understanding transforms into wisdom, it is an invaluable gift that's given to us when we need it the most.
We are not great through popularity and are not great leaders through an election. When we realize that the purpose we seek is far greater than ourselves, that is when we begin to lead by example.